Back to abnormal if you follow with a jump in numbers reminding us just how many need support. We did a big clothes day and can’t believe just how thankful someone can be for some clean underwear. Tracey’s Treats flew out and we cleared a mountain of food. Nothing left and that was a lot […]
Mods Aid 24 Success
What an incredible day, so much support so many volunteers working hard and in the end we raise funds to keep us going,, massive thank you to all the volunteers, organisers, bands, Concorde 2, South Coast Mods, Carol Harison and crew, Promoter Seth at Black Rabbit even BHCC helpped make the day a success. We cannot thank you all enough, Together we are saving lives and supporting the most vulnerable. HAS ALL THE PICTURES
Homeless Winter Support
Winter is almost here and temperatures are already dropping, rain and storms battering our homes. We will face a bad winter and many will be afraid to turn heating on for fear of bills. What a mess homeless and rough sleepers will die this winter and with numbers rising our mission is becoming a mountain […]