We are always looking for people to help us at Sussex Homeless Support.
There are lots of ways to help:
Volunteer at the Street Kitchen on a Sunday – we set up at the Clock Tower at 12:45. If you can spare a few hours once a month or more please see our events page on Facebook (Sussex Homeless Support CIO) for more details. You can just turn up, we would love to see you.
Donate food, any tinned food, potatoes, peas, carrots, meat, beans, pasta, rice, tea, coffee. All foods must be in date please.
Visit our Wish List on Amazon https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/registry/wishlist/59HKO5UPAXP3? We desperately need rucksacks that are big enough to keep all your belongings in, sleeping bags…
Set up a monthly payment, even as little as a £1 would go a long way to helping, our bank details are 83-04-25 19332059 Sussex Homeless Support